Melvin the Magnificent: Entertaining the Imagination!
Mwlvin the Magnificent

One World, Many Magical Stories At Your Library This Summer

Hocus Pocus the Magic Bunny and I have put together an action packed, funny, interactive traveling themed magic show for your library this summer! Take a trip around the world with magic and your imagination as Bob the Book Worm plans his vacation and someone will magically make a wardrobe for their trip to the beach. This is a must for your library, call today, space is limited.

"You were wonderful with the audience, and I am especially grateful for your flexibility! The large crowd all seemed to enjoy the show."
      -Joyce Laiosa, Voorheesville Public Library

Everyone who sees the show will receive a special FREE PRIZE at the end!

Be sure to ask your librarian if Melvin is coming to your library this summer!
For more information, contact me by e-mail
or call at 518-831-9222.

Nancy Gifford, Rotterdam Branch Library
Nancy proudly displays her poster for the magic show with Melvin.